jeudi 11 février 2010

Boostez votre carrière avec un Executive MBA


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Chicago Booth Executive MBA Program Europe Information Session London
Advance your Knowledge Transform your Impact Become a Business Force
At the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, you get more than a world-class education from the premier business school that pioneered Executive education. You become part of a global business force.

Our flagship, part-time Executive MBA program will help you transform the way you do business, without interrupting your career. As the only top ranked business school with permanent campuses in London, Singapore and Chicago, we can help you globalise your impact, wherever you are.

Come and learn more about the outstanding reputation of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business at our presentation in Paris. You'll learn more about the school, the Executive MBA program in particular, and you'll meet with students, alumni and admissions staff.

This free of charge event will take place at:
The Hotel de Crillon on February 24th at 7pm.
Click here to register your place now at this event.

Join the School that has always been an innovator in business education:

  • FIRST to offer an Executive MBA program (1943)
  • FIRST business school to have Nobel Laureate on its faculty (1982)
  • FIRST and only U.S. business school with permanent campuses on three continents: Europe (London), Asia (Singapore), and North America (Chicago)
  • FIRST to offer a PhD program in business (1920)

We look forward to meeting you soon.

Arnold L. Longboy
Director, Executive Education and Student Recruitment - Europe

Join us for an Executive MBA Information Session

Register for this event

Hotel de Crillon
10 Place de la Concorde
75008 Paris

February 24th 2010
7 - 9 pm

Attendance is free but places are limited.

Click here to reserve your place at this event


Constantinous Economou, Executive MBA, Europe

"As you grow through this Executive MBA program, you draw on the skill sets and tools that you were exposed to in the preceding months without even realizing it."

Constantinos Economou
Executive MBA

View more student profiles and feedback


Jessie Long

"After a class, I see things in a different way. It's almost like having superpowers - I hear more keenly, see details that I might have previously missed."

Jessie Loong
Executive MBA

View more student profiles and feedback


Joel Gay

"I often solicit the opinion of faculty outside of class, and I have had active dialogues with them on subjects from macro to micro to securitization theory."

Joel Gay
Executive MBA
North America

View more student profiles and feedback

© 2009 The University of Chicago Booth School of Business,
Woolgate Exchange, 25 Basinghall Street, London, EC2V 5HA
W: E:

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